The Internet of Things and Emerald Circuit:

The Next Generation Of Intelligent Objects Has Arrived

12 September, 2020


Businesses around the world are in the midst of two technological innovations that must be brought together to realize their full potential: The first, the “Internet of Things,” (or IoT) revolution is changing our relationship to product distribution and business analytics as more and more products take on “smart” characteristics and enter into new networks of connectivity. IoT enables the monitoring and management of physical things to improve and support situational awareness and business process execution. The second, is blockchain, which provides businesses with immutable data management within their networks. Both of these developments promise to increase efficiency, cut redundancies, and provide company-wide connectivity like never before, all surrounding a new core commodity: Data.

Historically, IoT devices and communication protocols have varied widely by production system in terms of both reliability and security. This poses a problem to the security of an otherwise secure blockchain network. Known as the ‘Garbage-in, Garbage-Out problem’ IoT devices threaten to delegitimize the security and immutability provided by blockchain networks: While blockchain’s security benefits are well known , the original data entry must be made in good faith to protect the integrity of the data that is stored and shared amongst parties. In other words, the security of a blockchain is only as solid as its input data.

There are two concerns when it comes to IoT security. First, if bad actors wish, they can hijack IoT readers and scanners. This can be done via product spoofing in the form of ID replacement, encryption key replacement, and the retransmission of older intercepted data as well as through malicious and authorized attacks on devices (i.e. the modification of the time stamped data). From smartphones to smart homes, every IoT device has the potential to be hacked. Hackers who gain access to IoT will be able alter data, access other devices on the network, and potentially infect much larger networks with viruses and malware.

In context, Cybersecurity is the greatest threat to IoT implementation. In 2019, cyberattacks on IoT devices surged 300% , totaling over 2.9 billion hacking events. These attacks can be attributed to the fact that over 98 percent of IoT traffic is unencrypted, making over half of all IoT devices vulnerable to medium- to high-severity attacks. These security breaches represent a significant financial cost and legal threat to companies operating within data protection and security regulations (GDPR). Though most security breaches make it to the headlines in the form of embarrassing leaks to private data, hackers are already using IoT breaches to access and exploit company-wide data systems for malicious ends.

Emerald Circuit: Intelligent Objects For Guaranteed Product Authenticity


Emerald Circuit is a cryptocurrency-based sidechain network focused exclusively on secure data collection and management using proprietary intelligent objects. From the initial point of collection until it is hashed onto the blockchain, Emerald Circuit collects, connects, and secures all data in order to guarantee authenticity, increase efficiency, and provide the first fully encrypted and cost-efficient foundation for any network of smart objects.

Emerald Circuit is a protocol-layer network of secure intelligent objects connected to a side-chain infrastructure of the Ambrosus blockchain ecosystem. From the secure management of a single product, to an intelligent container, to the networked management of smart pallets, Emerald Circuit provides secure data flows from sensor to blockchain. Symbolic of the next-generation of IoT solutions, Emerald Circuit arrives as a first-mover in creating fully-secured, autonomous, and networked devices.

Security IoT data collection through sidechain connectivity

Blockchain is the recognized solution to IoT’s cybersecurity problem. Built upon a fully developed and operable blockchain infrastructure, Emerald Circuit focuses on the physical collection of data using 128-bit encryption, and patented IoT technology to both collect and transmit such secure data. Original side-chain networking provides data security and management as well as anti-tampering and anti-counterfeiting services. In the context of the Emerald Circuit sidechain and the Ambrosus blockchain, Emerald Circuit’s network begins when the smart container’s sensors collect data from the product environment. This data is immediately encrypted transmitted to the Emerald Circuit sidechain. Next, after creating proof of data security on the sidechain, the remaining data is pushed to a Hermes Masternode on the Ambrosus Network. The data is then condensed and hashed onto the larger Ambrosus blockchain.

EC Smart Conteiner


Hermes masternode

Abrosus blockchain

A Conclusion in Context:

Industrial revolutions are defined by huge jumps in productivity due to advances in mechanisation. The modern economy has benefited from three such revolutions so far; the invention of the steam engine in the late 18th century, the introduction of electricity and assembly lines in the 19th century, and the development of microchips and computers in the mid-to-late 20th century. Advances in smart technology will usher in a fourth industrial revolution, in which large-scale machine-to-machine communication (M2M) and IoT are integrated for increased automation and efficiency. “Industrie 4.0” companies will benefit from improved communication and self-monitoring via the production of smart machines that can analyze and diagnose issues without the need for human intervention.


Photo by Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash

The 21st century will be one of smart machines at each level of production. The products of the future and the security processes involved in protecting them will be managed by integrated networks of smart devices that can securely relay information in real-time. Emerald Circuit’s network of secured smart devices is positioned to lead the charge into the fourth industrial revolution, and in doing so, usher in unprecedented opportunity for product security and reliable business connectivity.